2022 (original artwork 1991)
Photographic processing of the original work. I started with the only image in my possession of the drawing, which was sold almost twenty years ago. I don't remember to whom. Unfortunately the only image was a photograph that was scanned at a low initial resolution, 72 dpi. I had to process the image for a long time to extract the greatest amount of detail, and I decided, given the result, to make a limited edition series, because the work is one of my favorites, one more reason to regret not having could do a scan with the quality and means of today
The final file was delivered to the art printing house where I usually contact and 17 copies have been made, numbered and signed with relative certificate of authenticity. The file was eventually deleted.
Available only limited 17 copies prints
Signed and numbered
With Hahnemuehle certificate of authenticity
And hologram system with unique serial numbers