Ink on Paper, cm 70x70
This work had been "in the pipeline" for quite some time, based on various images of the Large Headron Collider at CERN in Geneva, which, like any giant machine, fascinates and hypnotizes me. Then the fact that it could theoretically generate a nice black hole is a nice added value. I finally realized it in 2020, in full pandemic, while a huge pseudo-scientific debate was developing in which every charlatan without having any title stood as an expert or at least profound connoisseur of topics of which he understood nothing. Hence the insertion of the monkeys who take the lead while the scientist is crucified. This is before the debate or the battle over vaccines started, so it is absolutely not related to this
L.H.C. Making of
A lapse extracts showing the realization of the artwork
Digital coloring on high resolution scan of the original ink drawing.
Cm 70x70,
17 numbered copies, signed and certified limited edition prints are available, With Hahnemuehle certificate of authenticity And hologram system with unique serial numbers